Monday 25 February 2013

Flash animation (shape tween)

Flash animation (shape tween)

Here is my example flash animation:

I made this animation using  Adobe Flash CS5 following the uploaded video.I opened up an oval the filled it with a blue colour and then set the timng to 24.In the beginning of the process I started with drawing a circle (oval) in the centre which turned out blue,then modify.....add keys frame to highlight the shape.The timings where held below the page with 24 chosen from the number 1 starting point.
Then labelled the first layer "face" and second layer "ears"

I love how this animation shows a process to make a animation as one using 3 different shapes.Using neutral colours to flow better visually.

However to improve this flash animation I could make an animation using more shapes to make it look more extravagant to look at not just a simple transformation.Perhaps shapes like a triangle,hexagon to the edges could build up from the triangles 3 edges to 5 edges etc.Also I could make a quick character to maybe some type of illusion once I get better at using this application.

Final animation ideas

Theme choosen: Fashion

Choosen product: Accesssories

Target audience: Children.

I have chose this theme because it something that Iam interested in as young person, and its what make me who Iam defines my character.With fashion there are many ideas that stem from this word I could show how fashion has changed throughout the years and where it is now (2013).
Different tops,skirts,dresses etc. The designers have changed the perspectives on clothing bringing some of the old trends in the present day.I could use stop motion to create this effect using an IPAD to gain better picture qualities.


With my product of accessories it can apply for both genders.for example;girls would wear bracelets,necklaces,hair bands. For boys they would choose snapbacks,shambalas, and some are similar.

Also I can name fashion shops such as: ZARA,DEBEHNAMS,RIVER ISLAND etc to show their similar styles generated through influences of individuals either in the fashion world.
Also naming fashion icons:Peggy and worldwide.

I believe fashion is generated through a mixture of new and old ideas through time.

Including catch phrases to make them by the product"you will never regret this"
'Fashion is life""you cant go on without fashion""F" For fashion!! "Go all out"
From this hopefully some cathy phrases and quotations taken from fashion icons should sell the product along with a good presentation of the product enhancing the look of it by using maybe propose people thought and opinions towards it,doing a quick survey.


How is the product going to sell?
How to make an attractive advert?
How to get the audiences attention?
How to gain control?

How to remedy them:Opinions from audience gain from survey,diagrams,something suitable for the audience.

Monday 4 February 2013

Stop motion Comparison

In this animation JoJo has used Skittles as a topic.It maks the animation very vibrant and colourful because of the product choice. JoJo creates stop motion animations using different products and ideas.She has used skittles  with the packaging aswell to make different shapes and interesting frames to capture people eyes.E.g bright coloured skittles,putting her face into the shot,making typography out of it just to illustrate skittles in a different way.
 I believe her ideas have worked out effectively through the use of various clever ideas and has also included the logo using the product itself.On the other hand i do like other artist work they all show different professional things to relate to a song chosen or just the product itself.

For my animation I used M AND M's I was influenced by her work by using a food based product and creating imagination shots to create a successful piece,also I have used typography in my animation to illustrate my product aswell as describing it in terms of taste smell etc.In my animation I think I did the movementand presentation well because I have used to show the in-depth feeling of the product aswell as adding my own opinion.
In my animation I think I have been mostly influenced by the first skittles animation using a product that is loose nad adaptable to almost anything to create not too mich a story but something with typograpghy and a better visual effect.

These animations have the same food base but different product and is uses in separate props to help move on the storyline.For the second animation it shows the process of somebody getting ready to go out but instead using a ginger bread mn made from pastery to do this to add more enhanced and better view to see.It included human characteristics which were quite impressive.

 I n this animation the artist used stop motion to draw different scences,character and more.Using different coloured pens to make a decent look on a witw surface.It brings creativenesss to ther for front showing vaiour skill drawing wise.
Also throughout the animation he uses this techno music tht keeps the aniamtion flowing easily.This animation gives me inspiration to be more creative and colourful in that aspect.