Monday 25 February 2013

Flash animation (shape tween)

Flash animation (shape tween)

Here is my example flash animation:

I made this animation using  Adobe Flash CS5 following the uploaded video.I opened up an oval the filled it with a blue colour and then set the timng to 24.In the beginning of the process I started with drawing a circle (oval) in the centre which turned out blue,then modify.....add keys frame to highlight the shape.The timings where held below the page with 24 chosen from the number 1 starting point.
Then labelled the first layer "face" and second layer "ears"

I love how this animation shows a process to make a animation as one using 3 different shapes.Using neutral colours to flow better visually.

However to improve this flash animation I could make an animation using more shapes to make it look more extravagant to look at not just a simple transformation.Perhaps shapes like a triangle,hexagon to the edges could build up from the triangles 3 edges to 5 edges etc.Also I could make a quick character to maybe some type of illusion once I get better at using this application.

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