Monday 25 February 2013

Final animation ideas

Theme choosen: Fashion

Choosen product: Accesssories

Target audience: Children.

I have chose this theme because it something that Iam interested in as young person, and its what make me who Iam defines my character.With fashion there are many ideas that stem from this word I could show how fashion has changed throughout the years and where it is now (2013).
Different tops,skirts,dresses etc. The designers have changed the perspectives on clothing bringing some of the old trends in the present day.I could use stop motion to create this effect using an IPAD to gain better picture qualities.


With my product of accessories it can apply for both genders.for example;girls would wear bracelets,necklaces,hair bands. For boys they would choose snapbacks,shambalas, and some are similar.

Also I can name fashion shops such as: ZARA,DEBEHNAMS,RIVER ISLAND etc to show their similar styles generated through influences of individuals either in the fashion world.
Also naming fashion icons:Peggy and worldwide.

I believe fashion is generated through a mixture of new and old ideas through time.

Including catch phrases to make them by the product"you will never regret this"
'Fashion is life""you cant go on without fashion""F" For fashion!! "Go all out"
From this hopefully some cathy phrases and quotations taken from fashion icons should sell the product along with a good presentation of the product enhancing the look of it by using maybe propose people thought and opinions towards it,doing a quick survey.


How is the product going to sell?
How to make an attractive advert?
How to get the audiences attention?
How to gain control?

How to remedy them:Opinions from audience gain from survey,diagrams,something suitable for the audience.

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