Friday 25 January 2013

Animated Gif

My animation GIF

How did u create the gif?
My animated gif was made through producing a series of photos digitally.Also with capturing my with props to indicate my subject base which was drama,and my starring in the shot.From this I transferred my images to my computer via the SD card,I saved the photos on my desktop in sequenced order to create a good animated gif.This was sent to Adobe Photoshop loaded through an animated strip stack to be placed in a row to be then selected and timed from. For example: I could of chose a variety of timings 0.5,1 sec,2 secs etc,considering how I wanted each photo to be focused on and too make it look professional overall.

How effective is your animation?
I believe my animated gif is effective because I have you certain drama techniques to influence my gif.For example I have used a countdown then the action tape illustrating a type of scene like they do in movies or any play, Aswell as making and bringing in props  such as masks and cut outs from the internet.

What could you do to  improve you animation?  e.g typography,timings, try different photoshop techniques.
However I could improve my animated gift by using typography at the bottom of the screen to illustrate a story,maybe using quotes or something just made up to development. Also I could of added more photos because the timings seem a bit short like the beginning of the gift seems allot faster than expected. The lighting behind me could have been more professional like a spotlight affect which I did a shooting plan on but wasn't I had to used the backlighting of the screen behind me.

Which artist did you look at for information on this technique?
The artist that influenced my gif was mainly Jamie beck which is a model in this, she has a range of gifs capturing different elements,to create a successful gif that is interesting too look at eye catching in the visual aspect e.g the scenery or the presented movement of an object of herself.

If you did this again what would you do to improve?

If I had another chance to redo this I would definitely try make the visual aspect interesting and something that people might want to download to the computers.also consider more of an creative view maybe fancy props a hat,accessories etc.Also  make more photos and choose goo timings for the whole thing,this would have more images so I could make quicker timings.

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