Friday 4 January 2013

Surf t-shirt evaluation

Who is your target audience? /Why did you choose thus design your t-shirt?

The target audience of my surfing t-shirt is targeted at the younger generation considering the style of my design, this is because my design includes bright bolds colours e.g. the light shade of blue on the lettering. It’s not so much a formal design embodying bold strong colours in the sense of using dull colours such as grey, black and white. So therefore I believe that my design could potentially be eye-catching to my target audience.

Which materials an techniques did you use?

For my design it started off with handrawn drawings of my own then to be enhanced from researched artists also font websites such as:  


These were my drafts of different fonts using pencil on a plain sheet of paper:

From this I began to use black fine liner to outline my design. Then I began to add colours using felt tips to then be developed on the computer using the Adobe Photoshop application that was scanned through. On the Photoshop application I used the paint bucket and zoomed into the areas I wanted to paint, also selected the type of colours using the paint selection available also following up from what my original draft on paper design I had placed.

NOTE: The rough draft above will be better to see if clicked on in order to see my annotations roughly in order to help be produce my outcome.

I believe my design is very unique and epic and its use of colour and a plain background ready t be printed onto the t-shirt base.

How could you improve your design?

On the other hand I could improve my design by targeting a general audience adding neutral colours to suit every person’s style.

"I like how you used  bright colours in your design"
 "Its good that you put two designs together to make your final outcome"
Which artist/designer has inspired your final piece?

I believe Si Scott has mostly influenced my design overall this is because of the style in the font I have used also the creative side to my design in the background.
 Here are some of his works:

However for me all of Si Scotts work has influenced my design with the use of the swirly, curvy lose lines that he produces using ink, so from this I have use that in the sense of waves in the back ground of the font incorporating the surf culture as a whole aswell as the them colours I have choosen.

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