Thursday 31 January 2013

I motion animation

This is my I motion animation created on an IPad using the imotion application.The imotion function takes a series of photos capturing each movement creating a journey of how something was made.I set the timing for mines at 1 second which made the ipad camera take pictures of me every second to make a collection of shots hat can be played back to make an animation. Also I set the camera to manual.
However in order for this to happen I created a mind map to give me ideas on how I would approach this animation.In the mind map it included which included how,what,when would I use certain props.From this I did an example of how my outcome would be on a a separate sheet before the final animation.
Materials I used:
Graphite pencil
colouring pencil (orange)
collage of coloured card
A1 card paper

I really like my animation because its very fluent showing every action I made adding colour,drawing the outline,adding the collage to the image of golden syrup and my finishing touches.I would do this type of animation again because its interesting visually to look at.

On the other hand the only thing I dislike about my animation is that it seem s fast even though the amount of pictures that was taken was around 240+ the timings maybe was a bit to quick.
Overall I found this technique easy to do and the next time I do something like this again I would do it based on a broader subject matter maybe using of props to help me enhance the product  am animating.

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