Monday 26 November 2012

Si Scott t-shirt design

Examples of Si Scotts work:

Si Scott uses typography in a different way than Oscar Wilson. Si Scott is very stylised in thee font aspect and is also very extravagant in the design field. Not only does he make colourful fonts and different curves and shaping with the font but then stretches and broadens the whole aspect typography its not just plain.

Down below is my own hand made version where I considered different aspects of Si Scotts work, where I believe I expanded on my original font to something big and new with different shapes curves swirls etc.
My design seems to be very creative using large font size adding illustration
with the leaves of some sort coming out of the lettering, Also some expression of the word, for example: where it put a flashing flashy yellow coming from the "A" for example.
 On the other hand I dislike how the colour scheme is slightly faint I would have preferred it to be more bolder to be more interesting instead of just relying on the additional artistry around the letters. Furthermore I could have used a better choice of styling around the letters instead of a simplistic approach.

Here are some of my other work pieces which were influenced by Si Scott.

Above are some ore of my designs, contributing to Si Scotts style. they were both made using Adobe Illustrator, swell as using the various tools that were provided e.g the swirl tool etc. At first i started with the normal lettering of "Awesome" which were on a black bold font. 

From there I centred the lettering in the middle of the page, then continued to use the styling tools to develop a new image and renew the original form. The compositions of the lettering were changed in the second design as I wanted to try something something more experimental. Aswell as this I added a clouded them that still referred to the surfing theme. 

From my 2 computerised design the good aspects of them are that they are visible of what the word is, the chosen edits are not disturbing the actual word, so therefore its more of an artistic approach. Also I think that the size of the font is reasonable to see, which is a good contribution to the overall design. 

On the other hand to improve my design I would try and think of my audience aim then to be considering more aspects rather than just making a design with influence but have no exact target audience to aim it to.

Outcome 1:

Outcome 2:

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